Bruce McIndoe - President and Founder
Bruce is a recognized leader, author, and speaker in the areas of future forecasting, risk management, technology, and intelligence. He founded iJET in 1999 (rebranded WorldAware in 2018) to bring government quality strategic and operational intelligence to the commercial market that was consumable and actionable. Through a series of acquisitions including Kroll Information Services, Pinkerton Global Intelligence Service, and Aon’s WorldAware unit, WorldAware became the gold standard supporting Fortune 500 and Global 2000 companies.
As a risk consultant, Bruce has worked with hundreds of organizations from Global 2000 to NGOs to Academic institutions helping the develop, implement and improve their operational risk management programs and strategically evaluate over-the-horizon and future risks.
Bruce started his Artificial Intelligence (AI) journey in the late-80s through 90s while working with NASA, DoD and the Intelligence Community. During this time, Bruce was working with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Machine Learning (ML) models to process images, text and support command and control systems. iJET built on the work he had done for the government in globally collecting open-source information (OSINT), processing that information, creating and contextually disseminating near real-time operational intelligence products.
Bruce received a BS in Physics from Allegheny College and holds a MS in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. He is an adjunct professor at University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) in the Criminal Justice Division teaching Intelligence and Security Management courses.
Recognitions :
Bruce McIndoe - McIndoe Risk Advisory Linked in
McIndoe Risk Advisory LLC
304 Forbes Street, Suite B, Annapolis, MD 21401 United States